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Taiwan Special Stamps Issue: Anti-Corruption Postage Stamps
Day of issue: 09 December 2009

5 元 / NTD ─
Green globe with a blue world map, set against a light blue background

本組圖案設計以地球、經緯線及世界地圖為主軸,利用經緯線及台灣圖形呈現「廉」字樣,並在地球外圍加註「1209國際反貪日」及「1209 International Anti-Corruption Day」中、英文字樣,藉以傳達廉能精神價值由台灣出發及台灣反貪倡廉之決心,同時表達台灣與世界接軌及積極支持國際反貪腐活動之堅定立場。
The stamps feature a globe with a world map, as well as latitude and longitude lines. These lines, along with the map of Taiwan, form the Chinese character lian, which means “clean and honest.” “1209 International Anti-Corruption Day,” along with the Chinese characters with the same meaning, are printed, respectively, below and above the globe. The image conveys the idea that Taiwan is taking the lead in promoting clean and competent government and is determinedly implementing anti-corruption efforts. At the same time, the stamps express the idea that Taiwan is taking active steps to march in step with international society and is firmly behind international anti-corruption efforts.



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